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At houseboat Amsterdam BB, you’ll find the best of both worlds. Our 40 meter tall houseboat Kadans is moored on KNSM Island, in Amsterdam-East. This peaceful and modern area feels like a quiet retreat, yet it’s just minutes from the bustling heart of Amsterdam. Here you can enjoy the tranquility of the waterfront, away from the noise and crowds, while still having easy access to everything the city has to offer.
KNSM Island is known for its unique architecture and creative atmosphere, making it a perfect base for those who want to explore Amsterdam’s cultural side. The island itself has great local cafés, restaurants, and some shops.
You are just a short tram or bike ride away from the city center with its cute shopping areas like The Nine Streets and iconic attractions like the Anne Frank House and the Museum Quarter with the Van Gogh Museum. Plus, the nearby ferry can take you across the IJ River to Amsterdam Noord, a trendy neighborhood full of street art, markets, and restaurants to indulge your taste buds.